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What We Offer

St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, Warrawong is a proud faith-filled community where learning and teaching is our core.

We live by our vision of being an engaged Catholic community, inspired by the Franciscan spirit, to empower all learners to reach their full potential. In partnership with our families we are committed to creating a vibrant Catholic community where every student finds meaning and purpose in their life through continual growth in faith and improvement in learning.

Living our Shared Mission


Inspired by our Catholic values, we are committed to nurturing our faith through quality learning and teaching experiences in an atmosphere where everyone can grow in richness, fullness and integrity.

We provide a positive environment which strives to follow the Franciscan traditions of responsibility, gentleness, respect, compassion, and generosity of spirit.

We nurture students in their lifelong journey in faith and help them develop as mature people empowered to shape and enrich the world by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their everyday lives.

Celebrating our Diversity


St Francis of Assisi is a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community which recognises every student's individuality and uniqueness. Our school provides inclusive teaching practices which recognise and value the backgrounds and cultures of all students.

We promote positive community relations with all parents (from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds) and encourage the active participation of families in the life of our school.

We are proud of our multicultural heritage and celebrate peace, harmony and inclusiveness in our daily interactions with each other.

Experienced and Dedicated Staff

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Our staff are experienced, dedicated and passionate educators who come to know each child personally. They work closely in partnership with our families to provide effective learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners.

Along with our classroom teachers, we have teachers and support staff who specialise in English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D), MiniLit and MacqLit Intervention, Diverse Learning Needs support and an Instructional Coach. 

Quality Learning and Teaching


Our vision of empowering all learners to reach their full potential drives all learning and teaching at St Francis of Assisi. We recognise that each child is unique and learns in a variety of ways and at different rates.

Through the use of appropriate and timely data analysis and effective feedback, the staff at St Francis of Assisi work collaboratively with each other to ensure that we provide quality teaching and learning programs that are innovative, contemporary and instil a love of lifelong learning. 

Pastoral Support in a Safe, Supportive Environment


We provide safe and supportive environments that nurture the wellbeing of all students and staff. Our staff model and teach appropriate behaviours through positive reinforcement, enabling all students opportunities to practise these in all school settings. At all times, we respect the dignity of all students and treat them fairly and respectfully.

We also offer counselling, pastoral support, and a variety of social skills programs to support our students with their wellbeing. We know that when students are happy, they are more engaged with their learning.

Student Leadership


At St Francis of Assisi, we believe that leadership is integral to life-long learning. We believe it is the right of every student to develop a sense of self-worth through positive and appropriate leadership opportunities.

Our students are given the opportunity to demonstrate and develop leadership skills by involving them in purposeful and meaningful experiences that allows them to use their gifts and talents. Our school encourages student voice and shared leadership responsibilities.

Environmental Stewardship


Our school playgrounds and classrooms play an essential role in nurturing core ecological values. At St Francis of Assisi, everyone is encouraged and taught to care, think and act in communion with God's creationAs a school, we have made a very purposeful commitment to educating our students about care for our common home and, importantly, doing our very best to sustain our goals.

We strive to incorporate ecology into educational and school management practices, by involving our community in a range of initiatives that empower our students to support the ongoing care of creation.

Comprehensive Transition to School Program

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St Francis of Assisi believes starting school is an important milestone in any child and family’s life. We offer a positive start to school through our transition to school program which includes informal playgroup sessions as well as formal orientation opportunities.

Our playgroup and orientation sessions and allows parents, children and staff to get to know each other and the school setting in a positive and relaxed way.

Ready to Enrol?

Interested in enrolling at St Francis of Assisi or finding out more information?