Celebrating World Environment Day with our sustainable garden!
St Francis of Assisi students have joined millions of people around the world to celebrate World Environment Day. Our school embraced the theme of ‘Beat Air Pollution’ to draw attention to this pressing environmental concern and how we can all do our part to improve the quality of the air we breathe.
Since it began in 1974, the United Nations day has encouraged worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment, growing to become a global platform for public outreach. Above all, it's the ‘people's day’ to do something to take care of the Earth.
Our students have engaged in a range of activities to educate themselves and others about the different types of air pollution that exist and how they affect our health and environment; and all the many ways we can act to protect the earth.
World Environment Day was timely for our school, having recently celebrated the success of our sustainable garden project, made possible by a CEDoW Environmental Education Grant.
With the help of the Wollongong Botanic Garden, they’ve transformed a previously unused space at the school into a flourishing fruit, vegetable and herb garden, and implemented sustainability practices at the school that lay an exciting foundation for more environmental action to come.
Mrs Briscoe, Mr deVet, Mrs Adams and the Year 6 leaders put together an informative video presentation about the school’s garden – have a look below.